Wednesday, November 2, 2016

cadbury molten cake

resepi ni dari yg org share di facebook
alang2 banyak masa free. kita try laa
tgok2 jadi pulak.. sedap pulakk tu

jadi ape lagi mehh laa suma try
resepi credit to cadbury


cadbury dairy milk Black forest
1/4 cawan tepung gandum
1/4 cawan gula castor
sudu unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 sudu teh ( saya guna soda bikarbonat)
3 sudu unsalted butter yang sudah dicairkan
secubit garam *kalau dah guna salted butter xperlu letak garam lagi
3 sudu susu wholemilk , at room temperature
1 telur
1 susu air
1/2 sudu teh vanilla essence

cara2 masak:
1. ambil mug yang tahan di microwave (tips: kalau nak tahu mug tu boleh guna dalam microwave cuba letak air dalam mug kemudian masukkn dlm microwave selama 30 saat kalau mug tu lagi panas dari air mksudnyemug xtahan dlm microwave..haa ada paham?)
2.campurkan tepung,baking powder,serbuk koko,gula castor dan secubit garam dalam mug
3. kacau bahan2 dengan garpu (kalau nak kek tu smooth ayak dulu tepung and gula tu jgn bg ketul2)
4. Campur telur, butter yg dah dicairkan ,susu dan vanila essence.
Kemudian kacau lagi ngn garpu tu.
5. Kemudian campur Cadbury Dairy Milk Black Forest... yang ni depends la nak manis cmne..siapa sweet tooth boleh la letak 3-4 ketul... (psst potong ikut yg segi empat tu) kalau x suka letak je 1-2 ... tp klu xde cadbury ni kek tu sendiri dah sdap dgn rasa koko..nyumm..
6. dah letak choc baru letak satu sudu air atas dia ... xyah kacau masuk je dlm microwave
7. Set microwave high dan masak adunan 1 to 1½ minutes. (tgok2 jgn sampai kek tu nampak dry)
tadaaa... dah siapp ..
8. Dah masak kemudian letak lak sikit baki gula kastor tu atas kek. Biarkan sejuk sebelum makan...
Selamat menjamu selera
if nak tgok video:

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


setiap kejadian yg berlaku ada hikmahnya, everything happens with a reason
my reason for studying here of course laa megejar impian mnjadi doktor berjaya..hehe
other than that, perhaps membaiki iman yg kian luntur,
i admit i have done things that may allah forgive me,
amazingly whenever i have some sort of questions that crossed my mind,
everything will be answered in the usrah,
then i thought maybe it's the way allah communicate with me,
everything,every answers to our prayers and questions
is already there in the al-Quran,it's just me who do not realized it.....

hujan renyai2 tanpa henti dari semalam
menangiskah dikau awan melihat manusia kian leka dibuai arus..
leka mngejar trend terbaru walhal dunia kian hampir ke penghujungnya
yg tinggal bgku hanya persolan
ibarat di persimpangan,
tersepit antara dua jalan,
yg manakah harus ku pilih?
ya allah permudahkanlah urusan kami,
berikanlah cahaya nurmu kepada kami ya allah,
kau kukuhkan lah benteng keimanan dalam hati kami ,
berikanlah kami kekuatan melalui dugaanmu...

allah membri kita nikmat terbesar iaitu islam tanpa dipinta,
moga allah memberi kita syurga ketika kite memohonnya...ameenn

iman is like riding a plane, the higher u go,the smaller the world looks like

Thursday, August 4, 2011

noty2 fishyy

alkisahh bermulaa lgi peperangan romeo ikan abh dan kluarga acik hamzah
smuanye bermula bile abah tukar pam bruu
memanglaa bersihh air dlm akuarium
kisahh pertama, mak tghh bsuh rumahh, tkut kne shockk ttuplaa eletrik kt ikan tuhh..
sekalii..bang2...air melimpahh xhenti2
adelaa dlm -5 literr....
kisahh kedua...ujau ribut n petir sambar umahh
bang2...eletrikk axde...jeng3...
melimpah2 air kuarr...den laa kne bersihkn tuhh..ala2 cinderella gitu
kisahh ketigaa
abess berbuka alongg nk bsuh bju, asal basahh je nie
abah!air ikan abah tumpahhh!!!!
ikan tuh pegi langgar paip sampai jtuh
dh air xleh nekk tumppahh laaa diee
jejaka2 rumahh kne lapp mcm cinderella pulakk..hehhee
kerana ikan seekor, tumpahh air serumahh...hahahahaa
ikan2..ti den gulai bru tauu...
coret2 saja

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

a year older, a year wiser

btul laa cakap owg, a year older a year wiser...hehehe
mntang2 dh nek sthun, padahal bru seminggu 19...heheehe..
setahun yg lepas terlalu byk cerita ...
satahun lalu, blajar hidup lepas spm x semudah yg dijangka...well kpda adek2 spm, spm bukan penentu mse depan kite ye,,sekadar peringatan,mmglaa spm akn menentukan di mne hala tuju klu dh msuk matriks or asasi,, result yg sthun nie lg penting..owg xpandang dh spm anda tuhh...sini sape x strets a's pon leh dpt 4.0,,klu xberjaya dpt 4.0 pon jgn mengalahh,, it is not the end of the world:)...klu nabilah yg dlu mmg akn menanges laa 3 hari 3 malam klu xpat 4.0 or xdpt u yg nk top mcm alhamdulillah nabilah sekarg tau ape pon yg jadi ade hikmahnye, klu dlu doa nk nie nk tuh..skrg doa,,nk nie nk tuh,, tp tmbh, ya allah klu ako xdpt ape yg ako inginkan kau berikanlah yg terbaek buatku, alhamdulillah,,penerimaan suratn takdir lebih senang, xde sedih2 or kekesalan..kerana itu yg terbaek buat diri nie...hehhe

setahun yg lalu, xgeti nek teksi, bus, ktm,,,
alhamdulillah,,sekarang dh berani dh..skill bwk kete je nk maju sket,,
setahun yg lalu, msk tolong2 je,,
alhamdulillah,sekarang bolahlaa mask sendri bg maa balek tgk lauk dh siap,,ilang penat..
setahun yg lalu,xpernh pon gi terwih kt tmn,x biase
alhamdulillah,, jejak gak surau tuh..dn best sgt xde pe yg nk ditkutkan...hehe
setahun yg lalu,, msti ckp why me2 bile de prob..
alhamdulillah,,sekarang ade prob cube cri jln penyelesaian,
setahun yg dlu pasti cemburu dgn kejayaan rkn2...
alhamdulillah, skrg mendoakn kejayaan yg terbaek buat mereka,
setahun yg dlu hanya lah setahun yg dlu,
semoga tahun2 akn dtg lebih baik buat diri ini:))

quote fevret skrg: a wise men once said, never regrets of the things that once makes u smile, if its wonderful then it's great, if it's not, then it's an experience:)yes..experience, coz experience is the best teacher:)pengalamn itu mendewasakan kite:) tabah manghadapi hari2 akn dtg..aja2 fighting!hehe..
owh ye..hehe bakal mnjadi pelajar unimas dlm bidang medic:)alhamdulillah...owg ckp medic 4.0 je lepas, even doc time med check up pon terkjut xpat 4.0 pon leh wat medic ke..pheww doc i noe ur doc from um that's not a reason to be snobbish rite...maaf geram sbentar..apepon jwpn sye..rezeki tuhan:) alhamdulillah ...

ps: pertama kali berjauhan dri kluarga, duduk dlm dialek yg berbeza..blajar medic yg kbnyakan ckp jgn terkjut klu fail..perghh gerun2...klu nabilah dlu ckp xleh2..nabilah sekarg ckp satu lg cabaran ye boleh ditempuh..insyaallah

Sunday, April 17, 2011


buat sekelian lmenye bru nk jejak blog nie...erkkk...
firstly...bru abes final!!!!!weeee.....lega....sekarang doubt nk ambek medic x...nway kte tgok je nnti ekk..hehehee....kpd kawan2 mcm dawee... congrats...hehhee...sori lme x contact dh..
nway skrang sye xtau umur sye dh brpe dh...hehhehe

alang:abah cuti 5 bulan nk keje...
abah:nk keje ape...
alang :xtau..hehhee
angah:alaa bg je laa alang keje ngn ank acik mat sah tuha
alang:diam...dlm ati angah mmg nk kene..hahaa
abah:alang nk keje ape...hurm...keje laa kt klinik ke...farmasi kee...
alang:erk...ade kee...haha

end of story...
1.xleh bayang keje same ngn acap...hahhaa...bukan sye xnk ye awk...hehhe
2.abah x cakap x boleh.....mksudnye ade kmungkinan sye dibenrkan utk keje...

nway bilik mcm stor...barang byk sgt...xtau nk simpan mcm mane....mcm mane laa boleh muat kt kk12 dlu...

itu saje...sye xtau nk bwat ape 5 bulan akan datang...hehehe
owh x visit adek pon...xtergerak ati lg nk trun coll....mase nk gi pulak abah cm nk gerak dh...xsmpat pon nk siap ...hurm ...
dear sys pliss don't be mad ye...u have all my prayers... gud lark orchest 2011:)

Friday, December 24, 2010

a knock in the head

hey...lme x blogging...hehhee...nothing went well actually,, result came up and not like what i expected it to be....i almost screwed my only chance of doing medicine...ya allah ...what am i going to do.Please no more ...not another failure...2nd sem is the finale..get your head in the game... focus3!....owh, but from whatever happened, i knew how much m parents love see i am not the girl who want to do medicine before this, the only reason that i keep telling myself i have to do medicine bcoz that's what they want me to do. Besides i live in the environment where all people keep telling yourself do mediclah.. medic is good and so on.What my parents trying to tell me and i believe what most parents do is they just want the best for you.They lived long enough to know all the asam garam of kehidupan. They do not want me to pick courses that have no future or where there is not much person needed in that field.They have seen it before and they just do not want me to be one of the victim.
So, the onclusion is..everything starts with niat, i lways thought of doing things just to please my arents, not that it is wrong.But , maybe i better thought of studying is something i want to achieve for me, myself and i.Thanks mak ayah for all your tlc.p.s. ily very much:)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

i wanna be like Firework

shush...less talk..more listen!

Do you ever feel like a plastic bag
Drifting throught the wind
Wanting to start again

Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin
Like a house of cards
One blow from caving in

Do you ever feel already buried deep
Six feet under scream
But no one seems to hear a thing

Do you know that tehre's still a chance for you
Cause there's a spark in you

You just gotta ignite the light
And let it shine
Just own the night
Like the Fourth of July

Cause baby you're a firework
Come on show 'em what your worth
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
As you shoot across the sky-y-y

Baby you're a firework
Come on let your colors burst
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
You're gunna leave 'em fallin' down-own-own

You don't have to feel like a waste of space
You're original, cannot be replaced
If you only knew what the future holds
After a hurricane comes a rainbow

Maybe you're reason why all the doors are closed
So you can open one that leads you to the perfect road
Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow
And when it's time, you'll know

You just gotta ignite the light
And let it shine
Just own the night
Like the Fourth of July

Cause baby you're a firework
Come on show 'em what your worth
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
As you shoot across the sky-y-y

Baby you're a firework
Come on slet your colors burst
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
You're gunna leave 'em fallin' down-own-own

Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
It's always been inside of you, you, you
And now it's time to let it through

Cause baby you're a firework
Come on show 'em what your worth
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
As you shoot across the sky-y-y

Baby you're a firework
Come on slet your colors burst
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
You're gunna leave 'em goin "Oh, oh, oh!"

Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon