Tuesday, November 9, 2010

my haru day

first of all, forgive me becoz this blog will be totally long....
where to begin...owh yeah....
6.35pm ,,9.11.2010....
abah called mom and asked her to join him at pd...at first mum was kinda reluctant to go but that persuate her..and she finally agreed.so there i was, packing my things rushingly...then off to pd...wahh...the room is awesome..somehow i wondered why there was a lot of bed in it..well it have two room in it..one for my parents and one for me..highlight...the entire queen bed for me ..note that angah just in case if you read this...hahaha....ok back to the story...bed..ok there is an extra bed or tilam in my prents room and one more in the living room...why did they put so much bed in one room..not like we're going to take the whole family there....owh and the room has a backyard that connect directlyto the swimming pool...gees rindu gle nk swim...ok the important thing is what happeneds the next day..


waking up of thinking that i'll spend the day at the beach...wishes dad morning..then a phone call that totally disrupt or turn my plan 360 degree....abah ade meeting kul 9...siap now..like what?!!!!...dgn x....erm..next...kemas2 brg..check everything tawaf bilik in case ade yg trtinggl...ok check....blek sban...to abah's office...dlm kepale..ape laa nk wat skrg..

sampai sudh.....abah:alang gi laa mkn kt cafe tu..office abah taukn..alang:tau...angguk2
then off to cafe...jlan slow2..ok sampai ...duduk...

after 5..minutes..
shutt...ape ako bwat nie...sitting alone in the cafe, in the middle of overcrowded cafe=easy target for the shark fish or...in other word..brader2 gatal..
nk chow..cm malu lak..so control belle...bajet sungguh mu..hish dh laa abg depn xgeti nk pndg tmpat len ke...mind your own business laaa....seb bek my smashing roti sardin dh sampai...nyum2....

3 minutes later..
ape nk bwat nih....musuh ketat dtg....aka kucing..dh laa dok sorg klu ade die xpelaa gak...haish...
xtaulaa if my face that obvious ..that group of abg gtl bju ijau dh gelak2 punye sakan..seb bek ade anoter group of gentleman yg pggil that cat and give some bit of his food.....thank you encik i dunno who.....fuhh...terlepas...

a few minutes later ...
knyg sudh....hehehe.....time nk bayar ade laa jugk suara2 lantang...mat tudung itam tu ako byr...
ceyh...bjet gentleman lak..no thanks la bro...i have my own money...better you blanje that lady depn mate tu...sengal...pick my things and blah....

end of story...
ksimpulannye...side effect of 11 years in all girl school..gave me this feeling of insecureness whenever i'm surrounded by bunch of boys...xsuke..bukn misjudging them...this maybe just a common case for some people but it may not to others...enough talks...toodles

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