Monday, May 10, 2010

don't bother

kn dh ckp don't bother,,nk tgok jugk sape suruh..hahhahaa

actually i have nothing to say, at least for this time being..the jpa result is not out yet,,
n my jpj result i don't know ..let just wait n see how it goes tomorrow..pray for me yah!
p.s i.m not going to post about my jpj test those who read this..

just keep this between us okay:)..hehe...owh..yeah my dad leave me the mandat to take care of his matter how much i hate it..but i'll do it for my dad..( bjet ank mithali) i fed them..then when back to kitchen to continue with my lunch..attention i cooked my lunch all by myself..fuhh i'm so proud of took a lot of guts to get off from the couch...back to the story about that fish..i call him romeo..i think this romeo doesn't like to stay in that aquarium because it keep banging it's head to that glasses...hish..then splashing the water all over place..guess who going to clean that!'thanks' a lot romeo..i mean it..durh

orite ..dats all for today...if i didn't 2 post anything about my jpj then don't aks..hahaha

itu saja coret2 kali ini

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